Friday, 14 October 2016

Collaborative Workplace – 3D Architectural Rendering Farm.

Suppose a project task of creating 3D Walkthrough Animation for a multi-storey apartment assigned to a designer’s team that is powerful to create architectural rendering works in 3D and that too with excellent graphics quality. But currently if a project is assigned to the team and it is asked to complete the whole work in just few days or few hours. Then, the team would definitely require something to finish the work off.

There are two different approaches given – a. to outsource the work or expand the team and b. to think of something that can do tasks in parallel sequence. Out of the twos, only one which is ‘b’ applicable practically and more likely to be chosen. This involves the concepts of Rendering Farms.

Defining Rendering farms: - Rendering farms are just in-house systems so connected that the tasks get divided and each user does a work on a single computer system and all these works are then accumulated at a single end. This end known as Backbend contains the works of all the other computer systems and here the final rendering after arrangement is performed to deliver the final output. The 3D rendering farm actually is a very big issue ever since there are more and more 3D Walkthrough and 3D communication strategies, 3D Animations, 3D Architectural Design requirements as the technology has developed so far, but there are also very fierce demand and lesser supply in the industry.

Utility of Render Farms: - Render farms are complex, expensive and time-consuming. But still they reduce lot of efforts of the designers by living up right to the concepts of parallel computing and multi-tasking. There are lot many companies and firms that offer a fast and an easy, yet reliable alternative to those who want to visualize their architectural designs in 3D but this may take a lot of time to give the exact visualization. The Rendering Farms are best way to divide the work amongst the computer systems and even people.

Solution: - Coming back to the circle of concern, it was a multi-storeyed apartment, which was required to be rendered in 3D. So, it can be done that each person in the team would be assigned with a single storey or floor and that would be rendered on a single computer machine. This way a team of ten can render ten different floors at the same time, using the Rendering Farms.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

3D Models and Conceptualizing composition.

To create perfect 3D Models for anything there are several ways to do so and even, there is a lot to be concerned about. The shapes, sizes, colour combinations, work methods, output driven techniques and record keepings by the model, etc. There are different ways in which 3D Modelling techniques are used and there is also a huge scope for the application of 3D Modelling principles.

3D Architectural Modeling 

3D Modelling Concepts:

A sculpture, if seen, is itself a probable view of the 3D Model perhaps. If a visit to a showroom is made, and a product is on the display which is not the real product but just gives the notion to the eyes which fall on it, that itself is a real model. This is what designers call 3D Model of that particular product. 3D Models are of many types and they also are meant for different purposes like, training, replica making, decorative pieces, movie shoots, photography, geographical studies, analysis of numerical statistics (cones, planes, lines, triangles, parallelograms, etc.), product marketing, board displays, and lot more. All of these are just few applications of the Architectural 3D Modelling concepts, there are many other specialities where in this concept can be used.

Composition of 3D Models:

To create 3D Models, there are professional modellers or model designers, and even they can be constructed even by the novices or beginners with due care taken and applying proper techniques. The composition part goes in such a way that the real object is totally replicated by the model, i.e. there remains no difference between the real product and the model.

3D Architectural Modelling
3D Architectural Modelling 

Firstly the decision is to be made, whether the model will be working or just non-functional. The difference between the two is of the functionality. In case of the working model, the designer has to make sure that the model behaves exactly the same as the real product does. And when it comes to the non-functional model, the look, feel and texture of the real model is entertained, this doesn’t need to work like the real product.

When a decision is reached, the designer collects all the necessary materials and information required to create the model. The dimensions, colours and their shades, cut-outs, and drawing tools are all put together with the creativity. The model is drawn generally on a piece of a hard cardboard which acts as a base and rest everything is then loaded onto it. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Senses of Interior Designs.

As a human, we use all our 5 senses that are attached from the physical body to the brain neurons. In order to perceive the conditions around us. So to be able to attract customers and to design the interiors that are liked by almost everyone, the designers have to make the products and 3D interior Renderings appealing to the customer's all 5 senses – they are – Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting and Feeling. Of course, it is a common sense that the interiors are not meant for making sounds, to produce smell and neither can they be tasted. Only one or two senses can be used.

3D Interior Design

Below are some of the examples of how we can use the customer's 5 senses based on our experience:
  • Sight: This is the easiest sense to affect. The eyes when fall on any object gives a vision. And to attract this vision, there are numerous ways using which the customers are attracted. It is from using colours, changing the intensity of the lighting in the whole area, to simply make a good arrangements of the furniture, using empty spaces appropriately. When done correctly, creates a best ever visual sight.
3D Interior Animation
3D Interior Animation 

  • Sound: There are multiple ways to affect this sense. Using perfect acoustic systems and architecture the echo to blow the ears. And Background music, even the sound around the people can affect perception. For example, younger people tend to be attracted to a place where they play upbeat music and crowd is present, while older people generally like a soft or classical music better. This is the way, the music sources are kept aligned.
  • Touch: The sense of touch is a very important thing when designing an interior. People will be more willing to touch something when they can try it first. For example, there are 2 shops that sell head phones. One of them allow customer to try it on the spot with security measures, the other forbid the customer to try the product and they can only see it. Which one of these two shop the customer would like to buy head phones from? Generally, people will choose the first one. This is why the sense of touch is an important factor in 3D Interior Design. And even getting to know the other textures and their feel.
  • Smell: There is an entire science to what's referred to as "scent marketing", with several studies and real-world case studies of global brands like Samsung, Sony, and Version applies it to their advantage. The reason being that smell is considered to be a fast track to the system in the brain that controls both emotion and memory, two very prominent factors behind why choose one brand over another. The interior designs are required to have fragrance which is liked by the customer. That’s why incense sticks and room fresheners came into existence.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

3D Floor plan Selection Mistakes made often.

A best amongst all the possible guesses are made by most of the people while choosing a decision to buy or rent a property. This is mostly overcame by the use of the 3D Floor plan and treating them with right methodology.

3D Floor Plan
3D Floor Plan

People make guesses for the factors involving:
  • The best suitable size of the property.
  • The locality held sided and aligned to that property.
  • The house-hold needs to be fulfilled.
  • Security features of the property.
  • Ease of access to other amenities.
  • Air circulation and lighting conditions of the property.
All the above mentioned areas and furthermore relevant criterion are presumably generated by the consumer about the 3D Floor and then the selection of the best one is made. Another common mistake made, is by coming to decide on a certain style of the property, storeys and numerical data values like carpet area and super built up area. The customer when have a fixed mind set for this, the property is less likely to be found, especially when budget is an issue.

The 3 Step Process – selecting the best:
1. Research the current market and identify costs and other miscellaneous expenditures attached to it. The builders sometimes are not trustworthy and may hide certain costs. Therefore it is a must to discuss all of this while discussing the features of the 3D Floor plan. An auditor to conduct the audit of the Plan can be hired to recognize the technical mishaps.

2. Discuss before making any presumptions and on arousal of any type of a query or a confusion. The more clarification is got about the plan, the more needs are identified whether they would be fulfilled or not. The floor plans especially in 3D can be lot more confusing and few things are not available for clarification from them, like the size of the restrooms and the width of the doors and space allotted for storage. Though, the marking and their size is mentioned, it is difficult to cultivate an interpretation. Better discuss.

3D Floor Plan
3D Floor Plan 

3. Payment for booking a property on just getting attracted by the 3D Floor plan is not a good idea, if finance is a tragedy for the customer. Therefore, home loans and housing finance are best suitable options. This makes the customer sure about the success of the floor plan since the bank and financing institutions verify everything before allowing the flow of the finance. This way alternatively a selection is already made by the customer.