Sunday, 11 September 2016

How to create a 3D Walkthrough for Architectural Works?

3D Walkthrough, of anything whether architectural design, simulation, technological gadget, a book to be published, a device, an illustration, a human body anatomy, etc. can be made provided proper excellence of expertise, software tools and their plugins, 3D design studio, multimedia tools, technological upgrade, and relevant materialistic and skilful studio and people respectively. The Cheesy Animation Factory has it all in large amount which is sufficient to provide Architecture and all the architectural work a whole new way of virtual reality. Anything which is to be designed as a Walkthrough in three-dimensions i.e. 3D, first it has to be present in 2D.

3D Walk through Views

Here, there is a procedure that would illustrate “How to create a 3D Walkthrough for Architectural Works?”

Step – 1: - Surveying.
This step involves everything that has to be taken in to account in finding out all the requirements of the client and get the idea of the actual desired outcome. The priorities are to be determined and the 3D Design of what is to be made needs to be known. Therefore, the survey of the whole property of which an Architectural Walkthrough is to be designed requires high performance and the data is collected.

Step – 2: - Collection.
Next, the data and dimensions is turned in proper information. The calculations of the whole of the property in all its possible views (cubic) and in 3D mode is drafted. The information here is derived from all the possible data and is shared with the people involved in designing of the walkthrough. These dimensions remains as they are throughout the whole of the process of developing a 3D Architectural Walkthrough, namely, the height, width, and depth of the objects.

Step – 3:- Layout.
The 2D Layout or the Floor plan is then set up in the dimensions as stated in the previous step. The layout of the plan gives a structure that acts a base of the 3D Walkthrough and the direction of the walkthrough is now decided right from the entrance towards the exit of the walkthrough. Simple terminology, the view that is to be created is now decided by giving a start point and an end-point. Whatever comes between these points is to be taken in to the Walkthrough layout.

Step – 4:- Objects and their variables.
Think about a building. Right from the entrance in it, what all the object would be seen? All these objects are now found out and given a set of variables and each assigned a dimensional value. The furniture, the set up lighting system, environment, everything, is give a value added attention. Here the video is now shot and is made an edit-ready at our studio. Everything here is give a lively-hood and a photo-realistic effect.

Step – 5:- 3D is the agenda.
Here, it comes the main task is taken care of. All the 2D graphical representations are now made in 3D form giving a ‘Z’-axis and assigning depth value to all the objects. This is where the viewer can have a 3600 (round-the-world) view of the whole property. Even an inside-out approach is also given good notion on client’s requirement.

Step – 6:- Fabricating, Finalizing, and Testing.
Alas, this creates a whole 3D Architectural Walkthrough in desired format. But still some good quality touch-ups are given to make it more real to the viewer. Fabrication of colours, shadows, embosses/bevels, lighting, everything is checked for and made absolute. Once the final walkthrough design is ready, it is tested again by our Technical team and designers for error-free delivery. Once delivered the client get an option to have a revision for anything that is not favourable.

We, being The Cheesy Animation Factory, also are choosy in our tools. Therefore, we possess the best technology so far invented at our studio to incline to excellence of any given job.

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